General information
The GED laboratory of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University is a part of Physical Chemistry Department (Faculty of Chemistry).
Pages related to the group:
Laboratory of GED in Lomonosov Moscow State University was created in 1954 by Prof. A. V. Frost and P. A. Akishin. Significant contribution into laboratory's progress was made by Prof. V. P. Spiridonov (head in the 1963 – 2001) and Prof. L. V. Vilkov (head in the 2001 – 2004), Prof. N. G. Rambidi, Dr. Sc. V. S. Mastrykov and Dr. Sc. E. Z. Zasorin.
The investigations that were conducted in the LMSU GED laboratory led to the:
- creation of different equipment for precise structural studies,
- development of various software for all the stages of GED investigations,
- obtaining of gas phase structures for more then 450 molecules.
Current group members
Scientific staff
- Dr.Sc. Igor F. Shishkov (head of the laboratory, main researcher)
- Dr.Sc. Leonid S. Khaikin (deputy of the head, leading researcher)
- Dr.Sc. Alexander V. Mitin (leading researcher)
- Dr. Anatoly N. Rykov (leading researcher)
- Dr. Ludmila V. Khristenko (leading researcher)
- Dr. Ekaterina P. Altova (senior researcher)
- Dr. Ilya I. Marochkin (senior researcher)
- Anna L. Vilkova (researcher)
- Anna V. Stepanova (researcher)
- Dmitryi M. Kovtun (researcher)
- Dr. Denis S. Tikhonov (junior researcher)
Pedagogical staff
- Dr.Sc. Natalja Yu. Vogt (professor)
- Dr. Inna N. Kolesnikova (senior lecturer)
Ph.D. students
Former group members
- Prof. Anatoly A. Ishenko (Moscow Technical University, Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies, Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry)
- Dr. Yury V. Vishnevsky (BielefeldGED:Group)
- Prof. Istvan Hargittai (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry)
- Prof. Natalja Yu. Vogt (Univesity of Ulm, Chemical Information Systems)
- Prof. Lev N. Sidorov (LMSU, ex-Head of the Laboratory of Thermochemistry)
- Prof. Alexander V. Belyakov (St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), Head of the Department of Physics)
- Dr. Sc. Olga Dorofeeva (LMSU, Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy)
- Dr. Sc. Yuriy I. Tarasov (Moscow Technical University, Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies, Head of the Department of Physics and Technical Mechanics)
- Prof. Lev V. Vilkov (1931 – 2010, †)
- Prof. Victor P. Spiridonov (1931 – 2001, †)
- Dr. Victor A. Sipachev (1937 – 2012, †)
- Dr. Sc. E. Z. Zasorin (1931 – 2001, †)
- Prof. Eugene G. Atavin (1954 -2010, †)
- Dr. Nikolay M. Karasev (†)